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  3. Author: sakuragate2021
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  3. Author: sakuragate2021
“The NFT Records” in Service this Spring

We are pleased to announce that this spring we have decided to launch the world’s first NFT marketplace specializing in music, “The NFT Records,” worldwide. “The NFT Records” is the world’s first NFT marketplace dedicated to music, in order to sell music easily to the world. NFT converted songs by music artists and record labels will be sold to the world. Further information will be updated on the teaser site.


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  3. Author: sakuragate2021
Company Logo changed

We have changed the company logo. To our company name “Sakuragate”, we decided to make a fresh start together with the Sakura blossom. All our members are eager to turn over a new leaf.

We are celebrating our 15th term this year. Thank you always for your heartful support.